Chiar daca mai sunt doar 48 de zile pana la Craciun, 🎄 topul celor mai faine oportunitati nu ia pauza! 🌟 Descopera mai jos la ce poti aplica in luna Noiembrie 🔽 Sales & Marketing Internship Internship Finance Global Graduate Programme in Finance Global Graduate Programme DBS Finance Vezi toate programele si […]
Categorie: digital marketing internship

Joburi entry-level si programe de internship la Angajatori de TOP
Toamna aceasta am reusit sa concentram o super colectie de joburi entry-level, programe Working Student, internship, trainee, burse si stagii de practica la Angajatori de TOP.
HR & Marketing Internship
We are looking for a new colleague in our team. Come and join us! Catalyst Solutions is a full-service company with 15 years of experience in recruitment, talent attraction and employer branding. Catalyst Solutions manages, a career website focused on young professionals, students and graduates, but also the biggest career events: Angajatori de Top, […]
Join Philip Morris Summer Internship Academy and be a #HistoryMaker
Join the Philip Morris Summer Internship Academy and be a #HistoryMaker How will I become a #HistoryMaker? PMI is already be more than a cigarette company. We want to change society and deliver a better, smoke-free future. To make our vision a reality we are transforming our entire future on a line of smoke-free products. We believe […]
Internship as Digital Learning Creator @Vitesco Technologies in Timisoara
În anul 2019, Divizia Powertrain Continental a devenit Vitesco Technologies. Compania Vitesco Technologies reunește întregul spectru de expertiză tehnologică Continental Drivetrain. Misiunea companiei este de a dezvolta tehnologii inovatoare și soluții eficiente de electrificare pentru toate tipurile de vehicule. Portofoliul nostru include soluții de electrificare de 48 de volți, acționări electrice și echipamente electronice pentru […]
Programe de internship, trainee sau joburi entry-level in marketing
Esti in cautarea unei oportunitati in domeniul Marketing? Companii de top au disponibile programe de internship, trainee, graduates, stagii de practica, sau joburi entry-level in cadrul proiectului Internship & Trainee Marathon.
Internship – Online (Digital) Media at GroupM in Bucharest
Are you willing to learn how digital media industry works?
Do you want a full time paid job for 3 months with new perspectives and opportunities for your future career, with international exposure?

Marketing Trainee Philips – Bucuresti
We are looking for University degree within Economics, Finance, Mathematic, Strategic Management or Marketing

eMAG Talent Internship – Bucuresti, Iasi, Craiova
eMAG Talent Internship 2018, un program de internship cu învățare accelerată pentru cei care vor să crească repede in Bucuresti, Iasi si Craiova.
Ghid practic pentru viitori participanti Top Talents Romania
Companiile prezente la Top Talents Romania si-au comunicat abilitatile pe care le asteapta de la participantii la eveniment pentru a se remarca.