Company description To position MassMutual as a market leader for the next stage of growth, it is critical that we build top engineering capacity in a rapidly changing digital world. Romania has a significant pool of highly trained engineering professionals and so we are very excited to build operations in both Bucharest and […]
Categorie: Internship Cluj
Calatoreste in jurul lumii cu Top Talents
#followyourpath la Top Talents Romania Connected! Ei bine, asta au facut si speakerii nostri! Prin mediul online am reusit sa spargem orice granite pentru ca tu, tanarul cu potential ce vei participa la eveniment anul acesta, sa poti descoperi diferite perspective despre cariera din mai multe colturi ale lumii. Calatoreste alaturi de noi pe parcursul […]
Job or Career? Which mindset do you have?
job, career, internship, Top Talents Romania Connected, eveniment online, eveniment studneti, absolventi, eveniment hibrid, management trainee, joburi entry level
Inscrie-te la NextGen Academy, editia toamna 2021!
NextGen Academy reprezintă oportunitatea perfectă pentru candidații din generația Z de a-și creiona drumul către o carieră în domeniul dorit, prin interacțiunea cu profesioniști din cadrul unor companii de TOP și construirea unui set valoros de abilități pentru viitorul lor. Evenimentul va avea loc online în perioada septembrie – noiembrie, iar pilonii de învățare în jurul cărora vor […]
Working Student – IT Support @Bosch Romania in Cluj Napoca
Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big. Welcome to Bosch.Whether in the area of mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology -with Bosch, you will have the chance to improve quality of life all across the globe. At Bosch, we develop, examine and enhance new systems, components and […]
Internship Customer Service (for 6 months) @Emerson in Cluj-Napoca
Imagine being surrounded by intelligent, driven, and passionate innovators all working toward the same goal—to create groundbreaking solutions that leave our world in a better place than we found it. Emerson is a global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets. Our Emerson Automation Solutions business helps […]
5 lucruri de care sa-ti amintesti ca intern
Am dat startul sezonului de primavara a programelor dedícate tinerilor la inceput de cariera. Uite cativa pasi pe care sa-i urmezi in fiecare zi din momentul in care pasesti in sfera profesionala:
Paid Internship, Inside Sales, 6 Months @Emerson in Cluj Napoca
Inside Sales Representative’s goal is to learn and work alongside the Inside Sales Lead in providing support the Sales Organization and Emerson Europe customers activities. This happens by getting involved in various types of activities and projects that positively impact the way the Sales Organizations uses time and resources.
Economist Financiar-Contabil Internship la Cheerup in Cluj
Esti pasionat de finante si doresti sa te dezvolti in acest domeniu? Cautam o persoana minutioasa, analitica si atenta la detalii cu cunostinte in domeniul financiar-contabil, care sa pastreze ordinea in tranzactiile firmei si care isi doreste sa se dezvolte in cadrul unei companii fun, dinamice si in plina crestere.
Department Assistant Internship at Bosch Romania in Cluj
You might be surprised how many different products are developed by Bosch Romania. So why not explore what we do, where we do it and how life is at Bosch?