Programe de Internship in consultanta- KPMG

KPMG ofera o serie de internshipuri in consultanta tinerilor studenti sau proaspat absolventi.

Fie ca este in domeniul Taxelor, fie ca vorbim de Audit, sau chiar de IT, compania KPMG vine cu oferte interesante pentru cei interesati.

Mai multe detalii despre companie si locurile de munca oferite gasiti pe profilul companiei KPMG pe


Why an Internship program at KPMG?

An internships at KPMG will give you insights into the inner workings of companies and open up countless opportunities for professional and personal growth.

The internship provides you with an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the business of leading Romanian and international companies, work on real projects together with KPMG professionals as well as making practical use of your academic knowledge.

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