Short company description Cand spunem PepsiCo, ne gandim la marci emblematice, care sunt in fruntea industriei de bauturi racoritoare. Cu pasiune pentru inovatie si angajament puternic, punem zambete pe fetele consumatorilor cu un portofoliu captivant si variat de bauturi (precum Pepsi, Prigat, 7UP, Mirinda,Lipton), dar si de snacksuri (Lay’s, Star, Doritos). Produsele provin din cele […]
Etichetă: activitati internship
Brewing your career with Ursus Breweries
Brewing your career with Ursus Breweries – 26 aprilie, ASE, ora 15:00
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Vino si Descopera Bosch Cluj!
Internship @Microsoft Romania
Internshipuri studenti Bucuresti, Timisoara
Schneider Electric Internship & Summer Practice 2017
Learn from professionals at Schneider Electric! Interested in joining one of the best team of professionals? Send your application at for one of the following opportunities: Summer Practice with one of the departments: Sales, Services, Projects, IT Distribution, Marketing, Customer Satisfaction & Quality HR Internship Finance Internship For more Internship Programs visit
Toate informatiile de care ai nevoie despre Programul de Internship la Guvern in 2016
Afla totul despre aceasta editie a Programului de Internship la Guvern in 2016 si pregateste-te pentru selectie.