Big Data Academy @Atos

Short company description ATOS is a global leader in digital transformation with employees in 71 countries and annual revenue of € 11 billion. European number one in Cloud, Cybersecurity and High-Performance Computing, the Group provides end-to-end Orchestrated Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Business Applications and Digital Workplace solutions. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner […]

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Junior IT Solution Manager – PepsiCo

Short company description Cand spunem PepsiCo, ne gandim la marci emblematice, care sunt in fruntea industriei de bauturi racoritoare. Cu pasiune pentru inovatie si angajament puternic, punem zambete pe fetele consumatorilor cu un portofoliu captivant si variat de bauturi (precum Pepsi, Prigat, 7UP, Mirinda,Lipton), dar si de snacksuri (Lay’s, Star, Doritos). Produsele provin din cele […]

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Junior QA Tester

Hello! We are Soft Tehnica, a company that has gathered over 18 years worth of experience in developing software products. We are an active presence on IT market, established in 2004 by a small team of specialists with an extensive professional background, motivated by the challenges and satisfactions offered by the entrepreneurial way of thinking. […]

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Webinar: JavaScript: One language to rule them all

  Miercuri 9 noiembrie, ora 17:00, Online    Vom explora posibilitatile limbajului Javascript:  de ce este un limbaj care poate folosit în aproape toate domeniile? care sunt limitele? cum să îți construiești primul tău webapp în JS?   O să atingem subiecte precum microservicii, databases, hosting, tipuri de hosting existente, tool-uri (Postman, VSCode), dar si frameworkuri JS renumite si […]

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IT Help Desk Consultant 1st level German Remote Job @Bosch Romania

Company Description At Bosch, we shape the future by inventing high-quality technologies and services that spark enthusiasm and enrich people’s lives. Bosch Service Solutions is part of Bosch Group and a leading global supplier of Business Process Outsourcing for complex business processes and services. Using the latest technology, the opportunities of the Internet of Things […]

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